Please log in the 'My Account' area of our website.
Select the 'Your Orders' option to view an order summary. Please select an order to view order details.
Your order is valid for 14 days from the 'Order Processed' date. (This is the date we sent you a confirmation letter and FREEPOST bag.)
You have plenty of time to get your phone off to us, but we do recommend that you do it as soon as possible. That way there's less chance of your order expiring, and the sooner you receive our payment!
If you realise you have made a mistake, please contact our customer support team and we'll happily correct your order.
If upon receipt of your phone(s) we find you have entered the wrong model, condition or quantities, we will amend your order and email you a revised offer. You will then have 7 days to accept the offer or have the revised handsets returned to you free of charge.
Forgetting to enclose the delivery note, when posting your handset(s), is not a problem providing you listed the IMEI/Serial number(s) in your order. Our system is able to locate your order via the handset(s) IMEI/Serial number(s).
Please note that forgetting to enclose your delivery note may cause delays.
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